Tractor Pull
May 7th, 2022 @ 3:00pm
Cocke County Fair Grounds
112 Fairgrounds Circle
Newport, Tennessee 37821
3300 - 10,000 lb classes
Admission $5
Hope to see you there!
Drivers must be 18 years of age or older to legally sign to pull. Those under 18 years of age are required to have parent/legal guardian present to sign all required documentation and parent/legal guardian must be present at all times when same minor pulls. If any rider on tractor that is pulling is the age of 18 or under, the tractor must have fenders.
Any tractor or puller found to be unsafe or illegal may be disqualified or barred from pulling. No alcoholic beverages or fighting will be permitted during pull.
Drivers must stay on the seat of the tractor at all times. Hands must be on the steering wheel, throttle or hand clutch. No bouncing or riding on the back of the seat.
Any tractor that blows the horn past the halfway point will be disqualified and puller will receive 5 points, if puller does not stop when horn blows past the halfway point puller will be denied hook points.
Tractor must stay in bounds at all times during pull, Sled may go out of bounds
Wheelie bars are required on all tractors. Wheelie bars are to extend past radius of tire and be structurally strong enough to support tractors weight by jacking up the tractor so it is completely off the ground.
Draw bars will have a maximum height of 20 inches and no less than 18 inches from center of axle to hook point. Drawbars must be stationary in all directions and the hitch hole must allow hook point to float freely. No trailer balls allowed. No floating hitches allowed.
Weights must not extend rearward beyond rear tires and not interfere with hook point.
Weights or other parts cannot be more that 11 feet from center of rear axle to the furthest point forward not including tow hooks with the exception that tow hooks are to be no bigger that 4(four) inches long by 4(four) inches wide and thickness no more than 1(one) inch. No exceptions!!
Radial and bias ply tires are allowed in all classes. No steel wheels or duals allowed. Tractor must be 2 wheel drive only. Full cut tires allowed in all classes
Tractors must have Ag engines, heads, frames, transmissions, rear-ends and must be of the same manufacturer as tractor. Frames must be same length and width and motor in same position from factory. Tractor must have the same # of cylinders that came out in the tractor from the factory. Example: Oliver can run 7 main bearing 310 or G320, MM can run 800 power unit motors, Farmall can run 450 & 501 power unit motors, JD can run Murphy’s blocks and heads. Altered frames to be allowed.
No automotive head alterations to fit block allowed.
Deck plates and girdles, Any Ag type carburators, Homemade intake and exhaust manifolds are allowed.
All tractors must have working governors and safety kill switch and must pull side shields for RPM checks at any time. MSD boxes will be allowed.
Gas, diesel and LP fuels ONLY. No alcohol or nitrous oxide fuels are to be used in any tractors
Any tractor that runs over 3000 RPM’s must use approved safety scatter blanket covering flywheel and clutch housing 360 degrees
No tractor in the 6, 8, 12mph classes can run over 3000 rpms, No tractor in the 4mph classes can run 30% over stock rpm’s
Tractor year models 1965 or older or production series that started in 1965 are allowed to pull
During each pull, drivers will be allowed two consecutive attempts to make a measurable pull of 50 feet.
If the 1st puller in the class makes a full pull, the sled will be adjusted and the class will start over. Puller has the option of pulling 1st or later in the class.
After drivers complete their pull, drivers are to drive tractor across scales to measure weight and hitch height, if driver fails to re-scale after pulling, driver will not receive points for that pull.
It is the drivers responsibility to get in line, stay in line and when sled passes be ready to back into the sled for hook up. Next puller shall be prepared to do likewise and so on. Driver will be disqualified if driver is not lined up and there is no technical or medical reason he/she is not in line.
Every person taking part in the pull must sign the insurance release form in addition to the entry form in order to be allowed to pull. Legal guardian must sign for minors.
Members must pay dues by the 1st pull to be allowed to point standings. Membership fee is $25 each hook year. Hook fees are $10 per hook for members(non-points) $20 per hook per class(for points), $15 per hook for non-members. Each tractor is allowed 4 hooks per pull, not to exceed 1 pull per class.
Pull immediately before Walter State Pull will be the last points pull. Walter State Pull will not be a Points Pull.
If class has 4(four) tractors or less in class $20 will be paid for 1st place only. If class has 5(five) tractors or more $20 will be paid to 1st place, $10 to 2nd place and $5 to 3rd place.
Person must have been a club member the previous year to vote on rules. Member can only vote on rule changes in class he/she pulls in.
If pull is rained out and the pull is one-half complete members who have signed up will receive 5 points for all classes that have not been pulled.
Classes will pull as follows: 4000(4mph), 4000(8mph), 4000(12mph), 4250(8mph), 5000(4mph), 5000(8mph), 5000(12mph), 5250(6mph), 6000(4mph, 6000(8mph), 6000(12mph), 7000(4mph), 10000(12mph),3300(mph), 3500(4mph), 3500(8mph), 3500(12mph), 3750(6mph), 4500(4mph), 4500(8mph), 4500(12mph), 5500(4mph), 5500(8mph), 5500(12mph), 6500(4mph), 6500(8mph), 6500(12mph), 7500(4mph)
7500(4mph), 6500(12mph),6500(8mph), 6500(4mph), 5500(12mph), 5500(8mph), 5500(4mph), 4500(12mph), 4500(8mph), 4500(4mph), 3750(6mph), 3500(12mph), 3500(8mph), 3500(4mph), 3300(4mph)10000(12mph), 7000(4mph), 6000(12mph), 6000(8mph), 6000(4mph), 5250(6mph), 5000(12mph), 5000(8mph), 5000(4mph), 4250(8mph), 4000(12mph), 4000(8mph), 4000(4mph)Stock classes to be added to each class as time permits.
Any protest filed with flagman or club official(president/vice-president), will result in both tractors being checked(protestor and driver being protested) of the rule in question. The protestor must pull in the same class as driver being protested. Protest must be made before the tractor leaves the end of the track. All protestors must pay a $50 cash protest fee. Thereafter, all rules will be interpreted by President, Vice-President and decisions committee with their rules being finalized. Protestor will get $50 protest fee back if puller in question is illegal. Protestor to be checked first.
No 4-wheel drive trucks or V8 tractors are allowed to pull.
All rules for the year are set at the annual meeting. No rules will be changed during the year unless it involves a safety issue.
*Maximum tire size 18.4 X 38
*RPM’S 30% over stock rating. Tractors subject to RPM check at any time.
*Shifting of TA’s allowed.
*Maximum tire size 18.4 X 38 top or full cut tires
*3000rpms max Tractors subject to RPM check at any time.
*Shifting of TA’s allowed.